SLUG is the part at the very URL which identifies a particular page on a website in an easy to read form.

EX: domainname/slug 

There are two methods to change or update the slug name of your site.

The easiest way is to go to 'My Presell Pages' > 'View My Pages'.

From My Pages, you should see all the pages available for you. This will include all the pre-loaded pages and the pages you have created on your own.

Locate the page you want to make changes to and click the 'QUICK EDIT' link.

Once clicked, it will give you the options you can edit and change.

From the list of options, you will see SLUG. Edit or change it according to your preference.

Also, make sure that the page status is published if you want the page to be active and hit the UPDATE button to save the changes.

After updating, we always recommend to TEST YOUR PAGE. This is to make sure that the page is working and the call to action will lead to your hoplink/promolink.

The second method is to access the Edit section, or if you are already on the Page Builder edit page.

Once clicked, it will lead you to the edit page of the page builder.

You will see on the right side menu of the page a PERMALINK section.

From here, you will be able to edit/change the slug name and view how the URL will look like from view page.

If changes has been saved successfully.

Your URL for the product should appear as: domainname/SLUG.